Nagar Kirtan Participation on occasion of Guru Purab

Nagar Kirtan Participation on occasion of Guru Purab

Under the Holy Blessings of Satguru Mata Sudiksha Savinder Hardev Jee Maharaj on the eve of Guru Purab our School had participated in the City Nagar kirtan a Sikh custom involving the processional singing of holy hymns throughout a community.

A sea of devotees today took part in the Nagar Kirtan held on the streets of Tajpur Road on the eve of Birth Anniversary of Sikhism’s founder, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Participants with devotion and prayers on their lips walked in the Nagar Kirtan.

A massive religious procession involving many educational institutions of the locality was held by the Management Committee of Gurudwara of the area as a lot of students, staff and teachers were witnessed chanting Gurbani and displaying Gatka (Sikhs’ martial art) in the city. The procession led by a flower-decked palanquin (Palki Sahib) and the five beloveds (Panj Piyaras) had students reciting verses of Gurbani and singing devotional songs. The people bee lined on both sides of the road to pay their respects to Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, installed in the Palki Sahib.